
Employee Spotlight

Christian Heights Employee Spotlight Nancy

The Christian Heights employee spotlight for the month of February is Nancy Green.

Nancy has been a Certified Nursing Assistant for 25 years, however, she has worked at Christian Heights for two years. Nancy has a very important job. Nursing assistants are vital resources for medical teams and patients. People in this occupation wear many hats in their roles. From patient care to administrative duties, nursing assistants often serve as a connection between patients, families and doctors, so having a variety of skills is essential. The residents at Christian Heights really love being around Nancy because not only does she meet their needs medically, she address their emotional needs. When asked about the favorite part of her job Nancy said it is “History”, she love hearing residents talk about the old times, how they lived, and what it was like growing up. Those were very special times. She also talked about how important teamwork is. She said she depends on her team mates, and she makes sure she’s available to assist them. They recognize each others work, and praise each other for the extra efforts. It’s always good to celebrate small accomplishments! Nancy has a very positive attitude and when asked what advice she would offer current and aspiring associates she said “treat everyone equal, leave no job undone, and treat everyone like you would want to be treated”. We appreciate Nancy and the care she provides for our residents! Thanks Nancy for all you do!!!

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