Letter from the Administrator

Fall is officially here. The beauty of the changing leaves. The changing of the weather. The changing of attire. Every year, nature puts on the ultimate show as the leaves change color. There’s no better month of the year than October to enjoy the vibrant colors of the leaves, whether you take a scenic drive or head off for a lovely weekend vacation to get the full effect of the Fall verdure. We have experienced quite a bit of change lately. With all that we are dealing with in the new covid world , we have to embrace change. Things may never go back to the way that we once knew. Change is something we can’t control, but we can control how we adapt to that change – how we transition from old to new.
Perception is important in change. For example, if we see a change as positive and full of opportunities, we’ll embrace it and adapt quickly. However, if we think the change might have a negative effect on us then we’re likely to be resistant, and the more difficult our transition will be. We might not be able to escape workplace change, but we can make it less difficult by understanding the situation and getting information about the change, and how it will affect you. it is also good to have a positive attitude and an open mind. Yes, change can be frustrating and stressful, but it can also be professionally advantageous. Focus on how things might work to your advantage and what new skills you may need to acquire. Remind yourself that current uncertainties will pass. We have a wonderful and talented staff and you must remember to do what you do best. Workplace changes can consume everyone’s time and aention and that can cause productivity and efficiency to slip. Keep performing your job to the best of your ability and remain focused on your performance and we will continue to change lives in a positive way.
Tammy Workman, Administrator