Letter from the Administrator
Dear Friends,
As a health-care professional, I have many ideas about what should represent a healthy, comfortable and warm nurturing environment for residents. I deeply feel that a home for the elderly should feel just like “home”. It should be obviously clean, very well maintained and furnished with the comforts of home. The staff should be friendly, caring and compassionate, but very professional. The atmosphere should be warm and kind, and residents should feel that they are important and respected.
I also understand the emotions and challenges the family members of the elderly often face. We never know why a loved one may end up in a nursing & rehabilitation facility. Whether it’s short term or long term care it is often a difficult but necessary transition in life, which requires a major adjustment from all concerned.
But all it takes is just one visit to Christian Heights to alleviate all concerns. Potential residents and their families recognize our friendly and welcoming environment. From the nursing team, to the management team, housekeeping, activities, laundry, dietary and maintenance, we are all a great team and I am grateful to have such a magnificent bunch of people working together here at Christian Heights. We are compassionate about what we do, and caring for our residents is so important and rewarding.
We are here for our residents. This is their home and they come first. Our staff is ready and available to answer all of their questions, as well as their families. We are excited to hear your thoughts, concerns and suggestions. We want you to feel confident that Christian Heights fulfills all of our resident needs.
Thank you for letting us serve you.
Tammy Workman