
What is in the Month of March?

The Month of March. March is the third month of the year, has 31 days, and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. March is the third month of the year in our modern day Gregorian calendar. It was originally the first month of the year in the Roman calendar and named Martius. It is the first month of Spring which begins between March 19-21. In the Southern Hemisphere, March is the same as September in the Northern Hemisphere. Each year March and June end on the same day of the week. It is the time of year when animals start to wake up from hibernatio

Saint Patrick’s Day: Saint Patrick’s Day celebrates a Christian Saint named Patrick. Patrick was a missionary who helped to bring Christianity to Ireland. He is the patron saint of Ireland

In the United States the day generally celebrates Irish-American culture and heritage.

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated March 17th, and sometimes the day is moved by the Catholic Church to avoid the Easter holidays. St. Patrick Day is celebrated as a religious holiday by the Catholic Church. It is also celebrated in Ireland and by Irish people around the world. Many non-Irish join in the celebrations in many places, especially in the United States. It is a public holiday in Ireland. One of the main ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s is to wear green. Green is the main color and symbol of the day. People not only wear green, but they dye their food green. People eat all sorts of green foods such as green hot dogs, green cookies, green bread, and green drinks. Other fun traditions of the holiday include the shamrock (three leafed clover plant), Irish music played with bagpipes, eating corned beef and cabbage, and leprechauns.

National Kidney Month: March is also National kidney Month. We would like to raise the awareness of the importance of living a healthy life and protecting yourself from one of the most widespread conditions – chronic kidney disease, as well as many other kidney associated conditions.

Kidneys are two life essential organs that have several major functions in the body – removing* waste from the blood, balancing the blood pressure as well as maintaining a balanced blood pH. Often, the patients are not aware of their condition until they advance in age. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the most common conditions. However, there is some other kidneys related issues such as kidney stones, cysts, cancer, infections and, worst of all, kidney failure.

Daylight Savings Time: Daylight Saving Time for the year 2018 starts on Sunday, March 11 and ends on Sunday, November 4.

Daylight saving time is the process of advancing our clocks one hour forward in Spring and back one hour in Autumn. As the old saying goes “Spring forward” and “Fall back” helps us remember how to change our clocks. This is done to allow for more hours of daylight thus more overall productivity and some claim it saves energy by populations using less light but others disagree.

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