Winterize – Prepare Your Skin For Winter

Dry, itchy and cracked skin goes hand in hand with winter season. Read on for suggested TLC for your winter weary skin:
Hot water baths break down natural body oil. If you cannot avoid taking a hot bath, add a small amount of oils like almond, coconut or other bath oils to your water to help restore your natural oils, leaving your skin soft and supple.
Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. By keeping your skin well hydrated, you can help reduce dryness, rashes and itchiness.
Moisturize properly and your skin may remain soft and supple all through winter. One should apply moisturizer within a minute or so of having a shower or bath. Damp skin traps the water in the upper layers and decreases dryness and itching.
Keep petroleum jelly nearby. Dab some of it on problem areas to seal the moisture and heal the dry skin. You can rub it on all the dry areas of the body. It is very soothing substitute to bath oils or lotion.
Use sunscreen in winter as you would in summer. Ideal sunscreen is one which is light, oil free and has at least SPF 15.