Letter from The Administrator

Hello everyone, and welcome to June. Can you believe that we are halfway through the year? May was a busy and exciting month.There were plenty of fun events going on including Nurses Week, MDS Day, and National Nursing Home Week. I wanted to thank everyone who attended and participated in our activities including our National Nursing Home Week cookout. Your support does not go unnoticed.
We look forward to serving our community, and giving our residents a great summer experience with more great activities, good food, and soul stirring music. We will also continue our great care for
our residents.
Our team pays special attention to the way we care for our residents, and strive to provide the best experience possible, every day. Thank you for trusting us for your care, and your loved ones. We are here
to assist you, so please do
not hesitate to give us a call with any questions that you
may have.
Thank You!
Tammy Workman