Celebrating CNA Week
Thursday, June 11 kicked off the 32nd Annual Certified Nursing Assistants Week (June 11-18, 2009). CNA’s provide hands-on care and perform routine tasks under the supervision of nursing and medical staff.
More than 2.5 million nursing assistants help elderly, frail, or chronically challenged persons live in nursing homes, their own homes, and other long-term care settings. They provide nearly 80 to 90 percent of the direct care received by clients in long-term care facilities, bringing patience, a caring attitude and wisdom to their practices.
Christian Heights took time to recognize and honor their CNA’s’ hard work and dedication during National Nursing Assistants Week. We understand that there role includes wearing many hats.
With the health care system constantly changing, every day brings on different encounters and challenges. CNA’s must have the ability to adapt, have a strong work ethic as well as quick thinking skills, and compassion.
Christian Heights is proud of the CNA staff, and would like them to know that they are very much appreciated.