Christian Heights Pays Back

Christian Heights understands that investing in our community is a great way to give back to those who have helped support our business. Veteran organizations, volunteer groups and non-profit organizations do a lot to help the communities that all of us are a part of but many times they need assistance.
Christian Heights really enjoy the intangible benefit of giving. Giving back to the community gives you a pleasant feeling of connectedness and the satisfaction of at least trying to make the world a better place, and make a difference.
Every week the Nursing staff at CH attends a local Mission and donate their time and service to do blood pressure, and blood sugar checks. They also help serve the less fortunate and homeless people that attends Micah Mission in Hopkinsville Kentucky.
Christian heights also sponsored the Operation Stand Down breakfast in Clarksville Tn. Operation Stand Down is an organization that supports veterans in need. They provide housing services for the homeless vets, and also assists with food, clothing, hygiene, and veterans transitioning into the community.
Right: Christian Heights sponsored Operation Stand Down